Lemmings 3D cover
Lemmings 3D game front cover

Lemmings 3D

Lemmings 3D is a Puzzle game released by Clockwork Games Limited in 1995. It is an interesting DOS game and a must play for all old videogame lovers.

Lemmings 3D description

Once, in far 91, came to light one very original game about small animals in blue dress with green hair. They faithfully went to their own death in a column one by one, and the players task was to save as many lemmings, and it was lemmings. This individual lemmings had to give one of the offered skills. Stands in the way of the wall, let her first break. Turned on the road pit, building a bridge, etc.

Massive popularity the game received, though was ported to all possible platforms. However, lured into their process she, and the people who had a chance to play it, caused a very good impression. Reprints Lemmings was quite a lot, and one of them just Lemmings 3D.

In principle, it is the first Lemmings, only in 3D. Accordingly, here have removed all the skills of lemmings and features of control: the acceleration time of ten times, highlighted lemming (Hi-Light Lemming), blast all the remaining lemmings and pause, during which you can view the level. The migration to 3D has brought with it a new scrolling map: forward-backward, right-left, up-down and in a circle. And added a new skill - Turner, turning a column of lemmings left or right.

The interface consists of three elements: the bottom - with the skills, right - with different opportunities and information, and a completely unnecessary mini-map in the upper left corner of the screen. For all (or almost all) of the buttons on the screen there are shortcuts. There is a new feature - Virtual Lemming, with which you will be able to "dwell" in lemming like in Dungeon Keeper, with the only difference that control its movement not only to assign the ability.

Levels total 100, they are divided into 5 steps difficulty: Practice, Fun, Tricky, Taxing and Mayhem. Accordingly, on each step - 20 levels. You can start with any step, but in Practice - even at any level, because this learning. Levels done in the style of one of 10 worlds: Army, Castle, Circus, Computer, Egypt, Golf, Lemgo, Maze, Space, and Sweets.

In General, Lemmings 3D is worthy to spend my time on it. A lot of positive emotions guaranteed!

Play your all-time favorite Lemmings 3D free on your browser here.

Source: Archive.org, Mobygames.com

Lemmings 3D

Dice Multi Media Europe B.V., Psygnosis Limited
Clockwork Games Limited