King's Table: The Legend of Ragnarok cover
King’s Table: The Legend of Ragnarok game front cover

King’s Table: The Legend of Ragnarok

Released in 1993 by Imagitec Design Inc., King's Table: The Legend of Ragnarok has an excellent Board Game experience. You can play in online now.

King’s Table: The Legend of Ragnarok description

If you have ever played Age of Empires 2, you should remember the wonderful Intro to this game: night, castle, the wood crackling in the fireplace, and two kings for a massive table, occasionally sipping his hot toddy, are between a "duel of wits", playing chess in the form of wonderful carved shapes. Now you have the opportunity to play in something like that. It is the "something": first, figure the ordinary chess here (but soon forget about it, and anyway they are very beautiful), and secondly – the game is only formally similar to chess, but in fact has a sufficient number of differences. As the entourage of the game selected Scandinavian mythology.

The game has two very different regimes, both on the objectives and gameplay. First, consider the first - "quick private battle." More precisely, the battles are often and not fast, but still no serial transmission, this mode does not involve only a single party. It, by the way, you can play together on one computer.

So there are, as you might guess, the figures are black and white. White only thirteen: twelve pawns and one king (One by the Supreme God of the Scandinavian Pantheon). At the beginning of the party they are "a bunch" in the center of the field. Black (it's the forces of Evil – apparently, some evil gods; it is not specified and nobody cares) figures more – as many as twenty-four, but – just pawns, they are located on four sides of the chess field (six on each side).

Can win each of the parties. White will win if their main figure (One) reaches any of the four corners of the field. The black pawns if they will be able to surround Odin on all four sides. In its capabilities pawns in the game are chess rooks (!), however, for the "destruction" of pawns, you must surround it with two and sometimes even three sides. The king also moves like a chess rook, but a maximum of two squares per turn.

The second mode is played already by very different rules, and is itself much more interesting, because it's actually a full campaign, where each party - a kind of mission. The essence of the gameplay here is as follows. We need to turn defeat all enemies (each one of them, by the way, there is even a portrait!), moreover, each playing both white and black. In this mode, depending on the parties are allowed to choose four specific shapes (of the six available). If you play white, then among your "party members", so to speak, will be various "good" characters of the Norse mythology like Thor, Valkyrie and so on. For a black face act, for example, all known Armorand the world serpent, Loki and the Fenris wolf (or Fenrir), who threatened to eat the sun, and so on. They already go differently: some like a rook, some like a Queen. But the whole point is that in this mode, each cabin is decorated in the form of animation, that is, each character looks in their own way, and gets in his own way. Moreover, all these beings there are still non-obvious opportunities. For example, one of the heroes after death, to be continually reborn in its beginning the cell - thus the king is never left alone. Naturally, there are described only the most General rules - the reality is much more detailed and complicated.

The graphics in the game, though "minimal" (game Board and pieces), but that is done just at the highest level. There are also some screen savers and funny portraits of your opponents, which have already been mentioned above. Verdict – one of the most unusual variations of Board games on the computer, finally something truly original. All fans of this kind of smart entertainment – must watch.

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King’s Table: The Legend of Ragnarok

Simulation, Strategy/Tactics
Mirage Technologies (Multimedia) Ltd.
Imagitec Design Inc.
Board Game