Dick Tracy cover
Dick Tracy game front cover

Dick Tracy

Interested in playing Dick Tracy published by Titus France SA in the year 1990? You can play this Side view perspective game online by clicking on the link.

Dick Tracy description

Before you play, released by Titus for the same film in 1990. It would seem that Dick Tracy outside the scope of the product under the license to go well, can not, and before us the most that neither is an ordinary platformer. But this game is thus a unique case when to put the stamp simply impossible.

At first, the gameplay seems simple enough, and to some extent even "harmless" - at the first screens go ahead and beat/shoot enemies. But by the middle of the first level the game begins to enrage, as the complexity is simply intolerable even for most experienced player. For example, at the second screen, you can take the pistol line (!) but the developers just didn't consider what would happen if you put a whole clip - still probely by a mobster, looking out of the Windows. Or if the player has low health - and to get through the next screen, you need at least half of the "layfbara".

And in this lies the reason for the low rating of the game is the imbalance. And if the latter is the explanation (in the absence of the development team testers), the levels in the style of "rectum" - no. Yes, the whole game dick Tracy goes forward, the ability to go back simply do not need. It is clear that the platform loops to be redundant, but to run the entire Chicago marathon - that's not very fun.

Graphics surprisingly looks good, especially the splash, but about the backgrounds of such will not tell. Dick himself, and his opponents are drawn very awkwardly and carelessly - it feels like the artist just drew the individual frames, not considering that they then "collect" in the animation.

Finally, music and sound effects. If the Pro sound to say much, the songs deserve special praise. Not a masterpiece, of course, but it sounds good. By the way, interestingly, the composer, Michael Sokyrka, and later take part in another game about dick Tracy - a good multi-genre, Dick Tracy: The Crime-Solving Adventure.

In the end, all versions of the game just received devastating reviews in gaming magazines and was literally trampled into the mud. The funny thing is, this did not prevent Titus to continue to produce, to put it mildly, a "crude" game films and comics. One of the examples is not necessary - Superman 64 in 1999 and Robocop in 2003. But why Dick Tracy is not a typical promotional product? Yes, because this is one of the worst games released on a really popular franchise, and it is this feature even made it known in narrow circles. But in the best way?..

Now, play Dick Tracy online for free on your browser and make your boring weekend fun and full of entertainment.

Source: Archive.org, Mobygames.com

Dick Tracy

Titus France SA
Titus France SA
Side view
Arcade, Shooter