D-Day: America Invades cover
D-Day: America Invades xgame front cover

D-Day: America Invades

In 1995, a DOS game was released by Atomic Games, Inc.. The game was called D-Day: America Invades and belongs to Strategy/Tactics genre. Play it online by clicking here.

D-Day: America Invades description

Turn-based wargame on a very "old" in computer games about the Second world war subject – the landing of allied troops in Normandy on 6 June 1944.

You can play as the Allies and Germans as a separate scenario or a full campaign. Before some scenarios, you can configure some parameters of the subsequent battles, for example, in reality in this particular battle either side reinforcements come, and you can specify that in your game all evolve according to the history or not; also, you can always specify a presence/absence scenario, air support and its scope (optional).

Management in the game quite complicated. The main control panel is at the top of the screen: from there you can switch on the headquarters (HQ), cause the aircraft to see maps of the area. Ground units include infantry, tanks, artillery. They, in General, you can only give two orders to move somewhere or attack someone. Victory in a scenario can be seen (just seen – not even a separate message about it) when your color will be to prevail on the map. At the bottom of the screen there is a red and white stripe that varies in the course of the battle and shows which of the armies the advantage at the moment.

Formations for armies with no points of travel, any "points" of the landscape effect on the course of the battle, the strict connection between campaign missions, the ability to create your own missions; there is not even diversity of these missions – each card is painfully similar to the previous one. The graphics in the game that the genre is unusual and very very beautiful – the clearest, and SVGA-the palette is drawn with a visible effort, - but all the troops and terrain, of course, conditional.

Therefore, the evaluation of the game, alas, is not too high: Yes, sometimes interesting moments occur, but not enough of them; but, externally, the game looks charming, but it's a wargame, but as a war-game this thing, unfortunately, is not anything particularly good. So we can recommend only the biggest fans of this subgenre, dreaming to meet the largest possible number of its representatives.

Play your favorite childhood game D-Day: America Invades online in your browser for free here.

Source: Archive.org, Mobygames.com

D-Day: America Invades

The Avalon Hill Game Company
Atomic Games, Inc.