Cyber Empires screenshot #1
Screenshot #1

Cyber Empires

In 1992 Millennium Interactive released Cyber Empires. The game was an instant hit among all and played for years. Play it again online now.

Cyber Empires description

Cyber Empires is a wonderful blend of realtime arcade with tactical elements and turn-based strategy (a kind of Total War 1992).

At the start of the campaign select the number of players (two people divide the keyboard hot - seat).

Select intelligence opponents, and the game began: before us is divided into sections of the strategic map and our yet only a territory. You can build a fortress (1-3 level difference in the thickness of the walls of the firepower, the construction costs and space requirements) or a plant to produce robots (1-3 levels differ in the number of cars produced at the same time), the better the plant: the seizure of new territories - the only source of income, the magnitude of which is proportional to their number), each territory has two important parameters - the income and the number of places where you can build buildings (it is logical that in urban areas good income, but little space for building in the desert - on the contrary), in addition, important strategic location of the land on the map: there can be only desert - to make a profit, but only through it can reach the most lucrative places. Capture and hold control points is an important element of the game.

Having the factory build there some military vehicles (small only made for 1 move big need to wait long) - the list is limited to only 9 models, but each is unique (sometimes small but nimble robot can deal with the superior forces of the enemy using the terrain and the weaknesses of enemies). To seize territory, not enough to send your hand, you also have to build its capital with our flag (for cash).

Capturing territory, you will sooner or later meet with the enemy, and then in the next turn you will be on the tactical map, exactly the appropriate location of the battle (if the plant was built or fortress - they will be here).

The maximum number of robots in the same area - 10, respectively, in the battle can converge to 20 cars.

Directly control only one robot but you can give orders to the entire group (stand and shoot, retreat, attack).

If you defend, you can set your machine on the battlefield in advance.

The area where fighting robots, can be of different types - in the Arctic, the robot can't actually overheat, but to hide from the rockets nowhere, on a tropical - lush vegetation, but hot (however, you can cool off in the waters), in the city - the battle can carry half of the city (the revenue from it will almost disappear), on the volcanic - it is not recommended to go into a lava lake.

The heavy assault of the fortress is a song, to break through the sea of fire of defensive turrets, to break the resistance of the defenders burn through walls with laser to get to the heart of the citadel and destroy it.

The game features the espionage - however, the services of spy satellites are expensive (on its territory espionage just information).

Play your favorite childhood game Cyber Empires online in your browser for free here.


Cyber Empires

Millennium Interactive
Silicon Knights