Total Carnage Title screen
Title screen

Total Carnage

Total Carnage, a Top-down perspective game was developed by Midway Manufacturing Company in the year 1994. The Shooter is so rewarding that you will thank us later. Play it online now.

Total Carnage description

The late classics of the arcade genre, the port with slot machines.

Plot: in 1999, the authorities in the former Soviet Republic of Calistan comes mad despot named Akbar. Created on the unknown means of an army of genetic mutants, he decides to conquer the world (which is logical). No less logical the fact that stop the maniac can only brave American boys, specifically – captain Carnage and major Mayhem, sent in deep behind enemy lines.

Total Carnage – the game is not a side-scrolling, and isometric. This means that each of twenty fairly large levels, we can move in any direction – forward, backward, left, right and even diagonally. At that time, it was a great innovation.

The gameplay itself consists primarily in the destruction of enemy forces and, more rarely, the release of hostages (for some reason, most of the hostages), although formally before each mission there are some more specific task. We start the game with one weapon – a gun, but as you progress you can gather up a really solid Arsenal that would be envied by many heroes action'ov subsequent years, there will be grenade launchers, rocket launchers, flamethrowers, plasma and laser rifles (!), bombs, huge knives... So a free translation of its name – Total slaughter (or massacre) – the game is more than justified.

The graphics are very good – thanks to a very successful future the feeling is almost three-dimensional game world. And landscapes, and especially figures of all the characters are drawn very clearly. Play, in short, is pleasure (by the way, you can play together on one computer heroes because we have two). If all ports on PC were so...

Verdict – not masterpiece, but very good. Great game missed the "killer gameplay" fans of isometric action'ov, objectively, much superior to many modern counterparts.

Have you ever wondered what kind of video games were played in the good old days? Try playing Total Carnage online now and we are sure you will not stop playing again.


Total Carnage

Midway Manufacturing Company
Midway Manufacturing Company