SpellCraft: Aspects of Valor cover
SpellCraft: Aspects of Valor game front cover

SpellCraft: Aspects of Valor

Do you want to relive your good old memories? Play SpellCraft: Aspects of Valor again, it’s a perfect DOS game launched in 1992 and a must-play for all video game lovers.

SpellCraft: Aspects of Valor description

That morning, a simple American Robert Garvin could rightly call yourself lucky. He had just received a letter from his loving uncle, whose existence until that moment was unaware. The letter, however, had assured him that Robert is now the rightful owner of a huge inheritance, that the kind uncle will be glad to give him very soon. It remains only to meet, to agree, to discuss the formalities... the meeting Place, isn't it, uncle Gard (as he introduced himself in the letter) chose a strange – famous Stonehenge in distant England. But Robert is, of course, does not stop (and who would then delay?), and a few hours of flight it is already included in the mysterious circle of stones, in obedience to the voice nearby, the voice – "go, Go go!". And after a moment, the guy finally realizes that the message of the promised inheritance – not what he had imagined...

Overnight of worthless layman Robert becomes a student of master of magic of Galliena, which carries a young man to Valoria – a magical world existing parallel to our Universe. It soon becomes clear that you, along with a young wizard has to save and the Earth, and the Valoria from the machinations of the crazed lords and sorcerers. But before that, as usual, it's a long and full of heavy test way of learning arcane skills.

The first thing to keep in mind when studying SpellCraft: Aspects of Valor is magic here put in the forefront. She is your most loyal friend, the best helper and reliable tool to achieve any goal. Mastering its complicated laws, you can not only survive in dangerous adventures, waiting on Valerie, but compete on an equal footing with sorcerers that ruled in these harsh lands. But magic duel is still very far away, so it's good to be look around and assess the situation.

Master Gallien chose Stonehenge as a meeting place with Robert. It turns out that the famous monument of culture of great importance and in Valerie as a life raft, firmly entrenched between the seven kingdoms ruling in the world of the elements. Here is the magical laboratory – a place where you spend a significant portion of playing time. The laboratory is equipped with everything needed to give you the opportunity to comfortably engage in magical research.

Any spell in SpellCraft, from the most simple and insignificant to those that allow you to change the very laws of reality, consists of well-defined components. To bring out the magic formula, you need to know its foundations, and the first of them is the so – called aspect of witchcraft. Essentially, aspect is not that other, as energy-charged artifact, one of many that can be found in the vast Valorie. Get ready for that appearance of such artifacts is not always consistent with their inner strength. But, as you'll see shortly, even the useless fishing hook may be an integral element of powerful magic. Next, the aspect to be processed over the alchemical table, adding to his power reserves standard supplies of any self-respecting sorcerer, whether student or master. To those materials listed in SpellCraft stones of all varieties – both ordinary and precious – the enchanted pollen and candles. Mix it all in the right proportions, you will proceed to the final phase of creating a spell – reciting the magic words. And apply all the components in the right proportions, you will succeed. Error, even the most insignificant, will almost certainly result in the death of a grief-the student...

But cheer up, uncle Harveian not going to leave Robert to fend for themselves. A good half of the game, he will generously supply you with tips regarding the process of creating a new char, and if the experiment do not go as planned, even put careless nephew back on his feet, as follows patched his wounds and restoring spiritual strength. However, one should not expect that all the recipes will serve you just because they will earn by guessing the charade of the grey master, trying different combinations of aspects and... over and over again and read the manual. Yes, that's right – the man pages you'll find quotes from the works of many masters-wizards of Valorie. These sayings is your key to victory, since they contain the lion's share of tips regarding the composition of many essential as the game progresses spells. The most interesting in laboratory studies is, perhaps, that the once obtained the magic formula over time to mutate, increasing certain effects of witchcraft. Want your lightning struck next? Add to it the basis of a couple of candles. Needed a more powerful healing? Please – four measures of pollen, and can be calm for your health. The main thing – do not overdo it, because spells are not to be recharged with energy indefinitely. Another brave experiment may lead to disaster.

But suppose that the first stage of training behind us, and it was time to try out the received knowledge in practice. Then you will be able to marvel at the extraordinary beauty of Valerie, to witness the spontaneous mixing of the fundamentals, feel side their power. After all, the job that you have to perform under the direction of Harveyana, are not somewhere, and in the kingdoms of the elements, as unusual as it is fascinating. The fury and power of the world-fire, seemingly entirely composed of turbulent lava flows and the black, charred rocks, adjoin with the ease and freedom of the Kingdom of the air, woven from the sparkling clouds, inexplicably holding Robert on their soft contours. A natural Paradise, a true celebration of life that can be seen in the realm of the earth element comes in sharp contrast with the cold, dead emptiness of the essential plan, which absorbed the silence and the darkness of space... In these unusual fields of battle and meet a young wizard with his bitter enemies, the ghosts, embodying a kindred element. And somewhere in the depths of the kaleidoscope of elements in places where the magical power is in full swing, filling everything around with their greatness, Robert waiting for the elemental masters, lords and sorcerers. And believe me, magic duels with them you will remember for a long time! Fortunately, SpellCraft loyal to the players, and despite the fact that all battles take place in real time, you'll be able effortless to find and use exactly the spell that is required in the moment, the game pauses whenever you review your magical Arsenal.

Another interesting feature of SpellCraft is that of the journey Robert is not restricted to Valoria, – if necessary, he may at any time to return to Earth to resupply need of alchemical ingredients. And the people directly associated with the mystical world of magic, always happy to give him some advice on creating new spells. Here as is impossible by the way will be the excess of gold and jewels that will fall to you in the study of the possessions of another Lord.

Finally, it is impossible not to say a few words about the schedule SpellCraft. It would seem, what beauty to expect from the game in 1992, the year of release? But the artists clearly did their best. The wonders of Valerii will appear before you in all its glory, and the animation of characters and colorful effects from spells will allow even the most spoilt players to fully enjoy this masterpiece – there are things that do not expire ever.

Wisdom, resourcefulness, courage, charity – here are four qualities that should be possessed by every hero to be prepared for him to test. The enemy is crafty and clever, and to win, along with Robert will forge these traits make them a part of itself, and without fear to accept his destiny. And then Death itself will depart from the road of the brave, who undertook the rescue of two worlds. Maybe in Valoria you will find your destiny? Play SpellCraft and soon you'll find out.

Not sure how to pass your time, why not play our classic videogame SpellCraft: Aspects of Valor online? And the best part, it is for free!

Source: Archive.org, Mobygames.com

SpellCraft: Aspects of Valor

Tsunami Productions
3rd-person (Other)