Patriot description
An interesting wargame on the Persian Gulf war of 1991, if not the best on this subject, it is unambiguously the most original and even "politically incorrect". The fact that the dream finally came true: it is possible to command not only American, but Iraqi forces (!!! And many more "!").
The game's title screen The limitations of shareware A game in progress. The blue circle shows a recently detonated missile The Game Over screen
The player acts as a conditional "General", which, apparently, is solely a staff officer. Because in fact, the whole game (i.e. the phase in which you will be able to do something) will be held UNTIL such time as the actual war (and then only will the reports of the battles). That is, Patriot is in fact the only one in the history of gaming simulation "actively preparing for war."
There are many game configuration options available at the top of the screen Playing with monochrome detonations one of the options for slow computers This is the message the game displays when the shareware version of the game reaches its time limit.
Campaign for any of the parties there – only task as thoroughly as possible to prepare for attack or defense. And I must say that this problem is simply extremely difficult, as the realism in the game comes to the need of considering the exact number of missiles on every potential front, a careful study of forecast weather and multiple perekryvaniya the planned movements of troops.
The graphics in wargames is not measured (how many times this has been repeated...), but here it is for the subgenre is phenomenal: of course, all the troops – still icons (and it's wonderful because only such a game can be called a true wargame), but the cards drawn with almost photographic precision and clarity. Overall – very entertaining, but also very difficult game is only intended for serious development.
Do you want to relive your memories and play Patriot online in your browser? Play it now for free.