La Vuelta Ciclista 2000 screenshot #1
Screenshot #1

La Vuelta Ciclista 2000

Do you want to relive your good old memories? Play La Vuelta Ciclista 2000 again, it’s a perfect DOS game launched in 1996 and a must-play for all video game lovers.

La Vuelta Ciclista 2000 description

Simulator (not the Manager) the Bicycle team from Spain, but with English support.

Before the tournament (this is the only mode available) we are free customization, determining the total number of tracks, their length, weather conditions, number of participating teams and athletes each, as well as a number of parameters. Then select cyclists in own team; note the asterisks next to the names is an indicator of skill. And then we go directly to the track, where after a warm up cut can directly guide the actions of the wards, monitor the results and indicators and paying special menu one of six teams, for example to accelerate or to keep the main group. In addition, each participant has initially two bottle that can be activated to restore depleted during a race power.

Alas, the game has a significant drawback - it is almost in real time. Imagine how much it is a journey of a thousand miles on the bike? You can speed up the process 15 times, giving up a visualization of what is happening and the ability to lead a team, however, the situation is still not save to wait for the completion have painfully long one step takes about half an hour. Then we look at the results of the check-in and go to the next.

About visuals, not much to say: the picture melcic, but it is clear and atmospheric.

In the end, La Vuelta Ciclista 2000 turned out unlike any other simulation of Cycling, but differs from them not for the better. Thus it is increasingly collectible.

Enjoy playing La Vuelta Ciclista 2000 online, it can be played on your browser and is free.


La Vuelta Ciclista 2000

Hollywood Publishing
Grupo Zeta