Gremlins description
Gremlins... in this word there is something incredibly attractive. I would not be wrong in assuming that the word is to some extent familiar to all.
Title screen Beginning an easy level If the gremlins open the fridge ice falls out causing the gremlins to multiply
Who are the gremlins? The standard answer to this question is a little evil green creatures, but it is actually not so simple.
Gremlins became popular in the 80-ies of XX century after the release of the eponymous film by Steven Spielberg, which was and continued, but came up with not the writers of these wonderful paintings. On the contrary, they may put, from my point of view, wonderful films, very much distorted the appearance of the gremlin; as a result, "the movie" gremlins have very little in common with the real gremlins.
As a quick historical reference: the real gremlins (distorted "tramline" in Latin. Kobalis Homo Vexus) appeared in the late nineteenth century in England. Their name is often mistakenly trying to link from the old English word "gremian" - "to annoy", although it actually comes from Freylinsky brewery in Kent, where for the first time in England began to use mechanized methods of bottling beer, and where this form originated from isolated populations of cameloides race boggarts. The growth of the adult gremlin – 15-20 cm, the life expectancy is 5-10 years. They are really distinguished by unusual for a fairly conservative Kovalainen races the tendency to fuss with the different mechanisms (of course, with a view to their damage), and the appearance is partly consistent with what we saw in the movies. But – and only.
On "blue screen" was shown to them, presenting gremlins "black essence" non-existent beings of Mogwai -- (the origin of which is in the movie at all is not explained in the novel, little-known writer George Gipe they are the offspring of intergalactic breeder Motorman).
Mogwai, the film, is a cute furry creature, covered with white-black fur, absolutely omnivorous (can eat even industrial waste) and are able to sing great, but most importantly – completely reasonable.
However, there are three rules, which in any case can not be broken when dealing with Mogwai: a) not to carry on the bright light – this causes him great pain, burns, in the worst case – death; b) not to give them water and not watering them – this process causes the "wrong division", in other words – birth: on the back of Mogwai appear small tumors, of which after a few seconds, others are born Mogwai--, however, not such as he himself (in the book it is explained by the "proper" Mogwai -- only those that were created by Motormen); C) never feed them after midnight (clarification: from midnight until six in the morning – this is reflected in the book and how we will celebrate after the game) – otherwise, the Mogwai turns into a gremlin after that short stage of development "cocoon". Being watered with the water gremlin produces offspring that immediately is full of gremlins, but retains photophobia their original "parents."
Of course, this is all fiction and distortion of facts: real gremlins are not afraid of the world, and their reproduction is essentially indistinguishable from the reproduction of most other mammals.
I think the plot of the film (we're talking about the first part, which made this game) no reason to repeat no, because if you have not watched it, you should do: first, it's just very, very good film, and secondly, without looking to understand something in the game hard. You have to play for Bank clerk Billy, by fate forced to save his home town of Kingston falls from the invasion of gremlins, which indirectly happened through his fault (his father bought from the servants of the Chinese junk the Mogwai as a gift to Billy that what happened then watch the movie).
Gameplay is a typical old arcade game. There are two kinds of opponents – "evil Mogwai --" and gremlins. Apparently, to destroy the first game authors considered inhumane, so they we just need to be locked up in cells. Gremlins to kill.
The game is divided into several levels with a time limit up to six am (the moment of sunrise, when the gremlins are hiding). The objective in each level is to kill as many gremlins and catch as many Mogwai--. In addition to "sword", we have a limited supply of light flashes, which are a great help in this difficult matter. Level will be counted even if we just survive (and sometimes even that is difficult), but the better to fulfill its mission, the more points you get for completing each episode.
As already noted, many aspects of the film is reflected in the game: for example, if a Mogwai or gremlin gets into the puddle of water, there will be the appearance of new individuals; if Mogwai eat (and the food in the game sometimes just lies on the floor, sometimes stored in special freezers), it will turn into a gremlin. And even the fact that gremlins like to watch TV, is not forgotten...
Of course, the game's graphics might seem primitive. But be indulgent – it's 1984, and at that time such graphics were very decent.
"Gremlins" is a game first and foremost for fans of the film, this has already been discussed. Yes, she has flaws (basically the same as that of the film - the spread of false knowledge), but the gameplay is very thrilling and exciting, and the possibility of achieving a goal affects a large number of factors that make this arcade game is bright and interesting game. So we can safely recommend to all lovers of "good old games" - "Gremlins" fit that definition 100%.
Have you ever wondered what kind of video games were played in the good old days? Try playing Gremlins online now and we are sure you will not stop playing again.