Command H.Q. cover
Command H.Q. game front cover

Command H.Q.

Click here, to play the famous game Command H.Q. developed by Microplay Software in the year 1990 and enjoy! Remember do not get nostalgic!

Command H.Q. description

Clearly focused on multiplayer (modem, not a computer) battles one-on-one old strategy, which is somewhere between a wargame and a "simulator of taking over the world"; however, it takes place entirely in real time. The main objective is still to take over the world, but the game consists of separate (configurable by you) scenarios, so you can limit and rather local conflicts. A choice of five difficulty levels.

Before the game, you need to choose the start date of the future scenario: it could be 1918, 1942, 1986, 2023, and even subsequent years, and the later the action will occur in terms of the era, the more types of equipment will be available: for example, in 1918, will be only the army and Navy, in 1942, there will be aircraft and aircraft carriers, in 1986 (the conventional beginning of the Third world, although the game was released in 1990) – nuclear weapons (but it cannot be used against enemy capitals), satellite communication for tracking the enemy (there are the satellites, and a special "satellites killer"), the need to produce oil for the war and even the ability to use the services of foreign mercenaries (at this level one oil field you will always initially). Their city is always there, and, of course, need to protect, and others – capture (the same in respect of oil fields, if the script they are), but still the battles are more detailed than in the games of the "Risk-style".

Very interesting is the process of getting new units. For example, if you create a mini-squad of two soldiers, we get... a tank. And if you combine a tank and a soldier, you get some kind of ship. This, of course, funny, but the game itself – not at all fun, but very complex and serious thing. Fleet in it, by the way, as aviation is not some kind of conventional mass, but very real army with different types of vehicles: the fleet includes aircraft carriers, cruisers, transport ships, the planes are also divided into bombers, fighters and transport. The only resource in the game until the later scenarios, oil is money, which is calculated in billions. During the armistice (such a possibility in the game too) enemies can see whole armies of each other.

Perhaps the most remarkable and at that time other strategies do not really meet the element of the game is the ability to record the gameplay of the party, with subsequent viewing. But that's not all: during this "movie" it is always possible to interrupt and to start to replay the scenario from the point where you interrupted the "movie".

The game is not too difficult for this kind of strategies those times, interface, and graphics conditional, but very beautiful: colour and clear world map with scale and the many options available. At the moment, unfortunately, it's a miracle almost forgotten, but at the time of release, the game received very high ratings in the press and enjoyed great and deserved popularity (primarily due to the possibility of games on the modem and virtually endless replay value), so that clearly is of interest to all fans of the old strategies.

Not sure how to pass your time, why not play our classic videogame Command H.Q. online? And the best part, it is for free!


Command H.Q.

Simulation, Strategy/Tactics
Microplay Software, MicroProse Software, Inc.
Ozark Softscape