Catch’Em description
Old indie arcade game for DOS. Task is the management style of the three platforms and fishing with it heads of animals, flying from the top of the screen, and at different distances from each other; the first level is cats, second dogs. In other words, the column you want to move, and quickly. If at least one head is not caught - then you take one platform, but if you lose all three the game is over. Sometimes you can earn bonus points on the platform, but only up to a specific point in time may not be on the screen more than three. Sometimes (not from the beginning of the game) in addition to the goals fall more and dangerous objects, from which, on the contrary, have to Dodge, because you get such a platform also leads to its loss. After a certain number of levels, and offers access to the bonus where to play do not: for caught head gets additional points for uncaught - nothing (but nothing too bad).
Game instructions Ready for Wave 1 It's raining cats! Catch the falling cats with your paddle Get ready for the dawgs!
The graphics are very simple but for this game, so be it: blue screen and images on it cause wild nostalgia. Moreover, the pace of the game does not contemplative. The thing is very addictive, so lovers of these oldgames recommended, but strongly to be fond of still not worth it (see PS).
I wonder if it'll rain both cats and dawgs? You can still catch the falling objects even if its beside your paddle like this one.
1. The author wrote in the readme that his game with frequent and endless passing can cause blindness. Like it or not - is unknown.
2. Control: click with the left mouse button - game start, the buttons "+" and "-" - move the platforms.
3. In the same readme, the author asked for donations from players, promising anyone who would send more than 100 dollars, send the source code of the game.
Have you ever wondered what kind of video games were played in the good old days? Try playing Catch’Em online now and we are sure you will not stop playing again.